Curriculum Overview
St Gregory’s mission states that ‘Our aim as an inspirational Catholic school is to grow, love and celebrate together, following in the footsteps of Christ. We nurture and promote a love of learning with Jesus as our guide by creating a globally minded family of safe compassionate and lifelong learners.’
We deliver our curriculum to develop kind, caring citizens through the Catholic teachings. We believe in helping our children to see a world beyond their own and having high aspirations. We have constructed a curriculum which provides experiences beyond the academia, encouraging all children to find a love for learning. We want to shape our pupils into happy, resilient, life-long learners.
Subject progression maps have been highlighted in the colours above to show how our intent is met throughout the curriculum.
Whole School Curriculum Learning Journey
Religious Education

St Gregory’s Religious Education reflects the values of the Catholic faith and is based upon the ‘Come and See’ religious education programme. The children are taught through a thematic approach, and we have a whole school policy in which topics are addressed each term at the level appropriate to the child’s age.
This programme also recognises the important role of the school as part of the parish community. Children attend Mass on a regular basis and help to prepare liturgical celebrations. Our ongoing preparation for the sacraments is incorporated into the religious education programme.
Early Years Foundation Stage

At St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, we are fully committed to providing an EYFS curriculum that is broad, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils. Pupils will feel safe and secure through our excellent personal relationships and nurturing environment. Our children understand the importance of daily physically activity and the positive effects this has on their academic achievement and emotional well-being. We have a curriculum that keeps the Gospel Values at the centre of everything we do. Our curriculum is designed to develop the full potential of each child. We offer a stimulating, creative, encouraging environment which fosters independence and develops critical thinkers. We want our children to be fluent and articulate speakers and we therefore place communication at the centre of our curriculum. Children are encouraged to be curious and ask questions, to be adventurous and try new things and to become independent thinkers who are inquisitive and are eager to learn. Children leave our EYFS confident, resilient learners who are ready to address the challenges of school life.
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and to reach their full potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age 5 have a major impact on their future life chances. We work hard to establish professional relationships in our locality that will enable all our children to have a good start. We strive to establish strong parent partnership that will provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. As children begin their journey at St Gregory’s, we endeavour to develop and nurture strong positive attitudes where children are kind respectful and honest.
The Early Years Foundation Stage applies to children from birth to the end of the reception year. We follow the principles of EYFS at St Gregory’s. Our priority is to keep all our children safe. We follow the school policies and the safeguarding and welfare requirements detailed in the New Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Guidance.
Reading and Phonics

At St Gregory’s, we follow the ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics programme. This offers a lively, vigorous approach to learning synthetic phonics. We place great emphasis on children mastering phonics in year Reception and year 1 to enable them to become skilful readers.
Through a fast paced and rigorously assessed approach children are exposed to a phonics curriculum based on repetition, over teaching and a rich diet of literature. Reading is closely linked to phonics development; once children know the letter sounds they will bring home a reading book to practise reading at home, this book will be clearly matched to their reading and phonics level. Children have daily story time sessions with staff and parents are encouraged to share a wide range of books with their child at home through our book for bedtime scheme.
Reading is at the heart of everything we do at St Gregory’s as we recognise the importance of developing reading skills, extending children’s vocabulary knowledge and encouraging reading for pleasure. This is done in a variety of ways e.g. Reciprocal Read sessions, Book Fairs, Reading Club, Visits to local library etc. Each class has a reading corners to encourage reading for pleasure.
Learning In a Range of Contexts
-Learning outside the classroom is an integral part of our curriculum; this takes place through exploring our local environment, curriculum trips, Geography fieldwork and enjoying residential activities.
- We deliver a wide range of extra-curricular activities – e.g. sports, art, gardening, cookery, music; this underpins and enriches the curriculum and the school has strengthened the opportunities for our children by becoming part of the Children’s University.
-Sports funding is well planned for and is targeted to develop teaching skills, promote a healthy lifestyle and allows pupils to be involved in competitive sports.
Further details about our curriculum can be gained by contacting the Deputy Headteacher Mrs R Kirby
0151 498 4313
email: for the attention of Mrs R Kirby