Welcome to Maths at Gregory's
At St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School we aim for our children to be able to explain their thinking and become confident, resilient learners who explore maths in everyday life.
We do this by providing a high quality Mathematics education which introduces children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life and support learning across the curriculum. We follow a mastery approach to teaching Mathematics from Nursery to Year 6, which promotes fluency, as well as developing reasoning and problem solving skills. We have used the White Rose scheme of work for a number of years to support us in doing this.
Concrete and pictorial resources are used to help children develop a strong foundation of mathematical concepts, which allows them to think in the abstract. As a staff we ensure that all children have access to their age related learning and that the whole curriculum is used to develop and promote Mathematical skill.
Here you will find lots of useful information about mathematics and the way that it is taught at St Gregory's.
The calculation policy is a really useful link as it sets out the methods we use to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
If you want to know more about the curriculum your child follows throughout the year then follow the long term planning link to see what topics will be covered.
Maths at St Gregory's
Life Savers
At Gregory's we are delighted that our school is part of the LifeSavers programme. LifeSavers supports primary schools in setting up savings clubs, and helping children and their families learn about money.
LifeSavers aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experiences to manage money well, now and in the future. Throughout the academic year we explore Five Big Questions About Money. We also explore four core values around money: thankfulness, wisdom, justice and generosity.
Savings Club
Since joining the LifeSavers programme we have also signed up to become a Super Savers school savings club. The savings club is provided in partnership with the Central Liverpool Credit Union and provide real life, hands-on money experiences for your children to help them develop into financially confident young people. Our Savings Club is run by our own Y5 pupil cashiers.
If you would like to join the savings club, please follow the link:
Multiplication Tables
In September 2014 we saw the implementation of the new National Curriculum. This new National Curriculum identified the following changes in regards to maths:
• By the end of year 4, pupils should be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12
• There will no longer be a separate calculator paper in Key Stage 2 SATs so mental calculations are gaining even greater prominence in primary schools.
These changes mean it is important for the children to learn their times tables facts and to be able to recall them quickly and accurately. To support children's learning of multiplication tables we will be introducing a whole school policy which sets out what multiplication tables will be taught in each year group. We hope that this drive to be fluent with multiplication tables will give children a distinct advantage in their end of Key Stage 2 SATs tests.
Below are links to websites to support you and your child with the teaching and learning of multiplication tables.
There are lots of books that have mathematical themes. Have a look at this website to see how you can teach your child all about Maths - through story books!!
Send your photographs into school through Class Dojo, of you and your child sharing Maths through stories at home!