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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

Parish and Local Church

What's Happening in the Parish

Children’s Liturgy

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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21st June 2020

Children's Liturgy: Feast of Jesus' Body and Body

Join our children's liturgy catechist as we celebrate the Most Blessed Sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood.

A Message to those preparing for First Holy Communion from Father Stephen 12th June 2020

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TRINITY SUNDAY: Children's Liturgy (7th June 2020)

Join our Children's Liturgy catechists for this week's video.


Join our catechists for this special Children's Liturgy for Pentecost Sunday.

CHILDREN'S LITURGY: 7th Sunday of Easter (24th May 2020)

Join the Catechists and other children for this Sunday's Liturgy of the Word for Children.

We belong to the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. Our parish priest is Fr. Steven Pritchard who joined the parish in 2015.


Please find a link below to the parish website.



Sunday Mass Times

Saturday Vigil Mass 5pm

Sunday 9.30am and 11am 

Sunday 6pm Hope Chapel-Liverpool Hope University  (Term time only)


Weekday Mass (check newsletter for week to week variations)

Monday Mass 9am

Tuesday Mass 12noon

Wednesday Mass 9am

Thursday Mass 9am (Hope Chapel 12.15pm term time)

Friday Mass 12noon


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Friday 11.30-12noon

Saturday 11.30-12noon

Confessions Saturday 11.30-11.50