Mission Statement
Mission Statement, Values and Ethos
‘We grow, love and celebrate together.’
To do this we will:
- Be a school community that follows in the footsteps of Christ in our daily lives (Christ centred)
- Nurture and promote a love of learning with Jesus as our guide (Education)
- Create a globally minded family of safe, compassionate and lifelong learners (Community)
Objectives: Christ Centred
- Provide quality collective worship and enriching liturgical celebrations
- Enable our children to acquire an excellent religious education and develop their relationship with God
- Encourage a sense of justice, peace and trust of our global community
Objectives: Education
- Deliver a curriculum to develop kind, caring citizens through the Catholic teachings, encouraging our children to see a world beyond their own and having high aspirations.
- Provide experiences beyond the academia, encouraging all children to find a love for learning, shaping our pupils into happy, resilient, life-long learners.
- Value our pupils and staff, appreciating their uniqueness and individual talents, enabling them to be the best they can be
- Have high expectations of ourselves and others in all that we do
Objectives: Community
- Create a safe, happy environment where all feel valued and welcomed
- Develop positive links between the school and parish
- Recognise that each person is an extraordinary work of art
- Take stewardship of our local and global community that enriches the lives of others