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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

Yr1 Children Return


Monday 22nd June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 1 children,

I hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe.

At last I have some good news for year 1!

We are planning to reopen school for Year 1 children on Wednesday 24th June.

As you know we have been told by the Liverpool City Council that it is considered safe for schools to open for more children if we feel that we can accommodate them safely. I do feel that we can do this and still follow the two metre safe distancing rule. We are welcoming our Year 6 children back today and it will be year 1’s turn on Wednesday as they are next on the City Council’s return to school list.

If your child is in Year 1 and you would like them to return to school on Wednesday can you please let your class teachers know by replying on Do Jo if you haven’t already done so. This helps us to plan for numbers.

Procedures for 24th June:

  • • All Government, LA and Unions advice been followed and social distancing will be followed by staff and children at all times.
  • • All necessary Risk Assessments have been completed and will be shared with staff. They will also be reviewed regularly be adapted to meet any changes in the guidance.
  • • School will open at the normal time of 8.45am, children should be in school by 8.55am and collected at 3.00 -3.05pm, to allow a staggered collection to the other children (please be on time and remember some staff have their own childcare to worry about).
  • • Children are to all enter and exit the building via the Year 1 classroom door as normal. Children will be in a ‘Year1 Bubble’ which will be in the Year 1 and 2 classrooms depending on numbers.
  • Children must be dropped off by one parent and all should adhere to the 2m social distancing guidelines at all times.
  • • The school office will be closed to parents and visitors. If you need to contact school please ring 0151 498 4313 to speak to a member of staff or leave a message.
  • • No parents, volunteers or visitors will be allowed into the building and staffing will be according to pupil numbers.
  • • School uniform is optional to make it easier for you, clothing must be suitable and no vest tops, belly tops or open toed shoes are allowed. Please make sure your children wear a clean change of clothing every day to minimise risk of infection.


  • • A coat needs to be brought to school every day in a disposable carrier bags if the weather requires it. No bags or equipment are allowed. Children will not be getting changed for PE so please make sure what they wear is suitable. Trainers are the best option for footwear and can be worn until the end of term.
  • • The weather is forecasted to be very hot this week so please make sure your child has sun cream on before leaving the house and send it in for them to reapply at lunchtime. It needs to have their name on.
  • • Any staff or children who have symptoms will not be allowed into the building and will be sent home to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • • If your child displays any COVID 19 symptoms do not send them into school, but please inform me immediately on 07725234348 or telephone the school office. If any members of your household display symptoms please telephone school and ensure you child does not attend but self isolates for 14 days. If any child display symptoms during the day, they will be isolated and you will be asked to collect them immediately. Please be prompt in doing so.
  • All children will be required to have a school dinner. Sandwiches will be an option each day and on some days, if the weather is good picnic meals may be provided to be eaten outside. Please do not send any food or treats into school. No packed lunches are allowed, in order to minimise the possibility of infection.
  • • If your child is not entitled to free lunches, we will ask you to pay our normal subsidised rate of £1 per meal. If any of you have difficulties with paying this please don’t hesitate to contact me and we can sort something out.

School has been informed that we must cancel Free School Meal vouchers for children who are attending school and are entitled to free school meals as they will receive a meal free of charge.

  • • Children need to bring in their own water bottle that must be taken home each day and thoroughly cleaned to be brought back the next day. It is very important that children bring their own water bottle especially with the warm weather.
  • • There will be no extended school provision including Breakfast Club.
  • • Children will be divided into ‘Bubbles’ and will be taught in these groups. There will be a Year 1 Bubble and the children will have access to the online learning set by their teacher for the whole class. They will be supported with this and some additional learning and will also be taking part in fun activities.
  • • The Year 1 bubble area has been prepared for the children’s return. It has been cleaned and additional cleaning will take place each day, including surfaces toilets and door handles.
  • • Children will have restricted use of the building and will only access their area and the hall.
  • • If the weather is sunny, children will require sun lotion to be applied before they leave the house. This can be reapplied by themselves during the day so it should be put in bag with their coat.

I apologise for this long list, but during this very worrying and challenging time, my key priority is the safety of the children and staff. Staff will do everything they can to ensure that children feel safe, secure and welcome in the environment. They will support the children in their learning and also make sure it is a happy and fun place for everybody to be.

These measures and conditions will apply until guidance changes, which it does frequently. Hopefully we will have more information on the wider opening of school and will soon be welcoming more children back.

As soon as this happens I will contact parents. If you have any worries or concerns that I might be able to help you with, you have my number so please don’t hesitate to contact me. It has been lovely to hear from so many of you over the past few weeks even if it has been over the very problematic Free School Meal Vouchers!

I will be in touch again soon and thank you so much for all your support over the past weeks.

Take care, keep safe and please give my love to all the children.

Mrs Roberts