Year 4
Welcome to Year 4's Class Page
Welcome to our Year 4 class page. This year, we will be preparing your child for their multiplication check which will take place in June. We will aim to go on as many exciting trips as possible to broaden our children's knowledge and support our classroom learning. Communication to parents will predominantly take place on Class Dojo and any exciting pictures of the children in school will be uploaded to our Year 4 Twitter page.
Homework will be set every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday. Every week, children will be asked to learn new spellings, practise times tables and read. Spelling and times tables tests will take place every Friday. Please also support your child by reading with them each night. Reading books and journals should be brought in to school daily and reading books will be changed once your child's reading journal has been signed.
PE will take place every Friday and children should come to school dressed in their PE kits.