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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School home page

St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's Class Page


We are excited about the year ahead and are looking forward to watching your children grow over the coming months. They have settled in well and are already working hard on lots of new topics.


General Information


Please try to ensure that your child attends school every day. "We can't teach an empty chair!" When children have good attendance, they are able to perform better academically, even missing one day can have an impact on their learning. If however, your child is going to be absent from school, can you please let us know as soon as possible via the school office (0151-498-4313)



Our PE is timetabled for Tuesday Afternoon. The children should come into school in their PE kit and remain in their kit for the rest of the day. As the weather gets colder, children are allowed to wear royal blue tracksuit pants or tights under their shorts and their school jumper on top of their PE shirt. 



Swimming is timetabled for a Friday afternoon. All children must attend swimming sessions, unless they have a medical letter excusing them, as it is part of the National Curriculum. A full swimming costume must be worn by girls and swimming shorts by boys. All children must wear a swimming cap. Goggles are allowed but are not provided by school. If your child wears earrings or other jewellery, can you please ensure that it is removed before coming to school on a Friday, to avoid it being lost. 



Please try to encourage your child to read for at least 10 minutes each night and ensure that you sign their reading record to confirm that they have read. All books need to be transported to and from school in a reading bag to avoid damage. 



Spellings are set each week on a Friday, to be practised at home as part of a handwriting activity. 

Times Tables - Children are encouraged to practice their times tables, as this will help them enormously in their maths work.

An excellent free online resource can be found at


The children are to complete one maths activity and one comprehension per week. Homework is given on a Friday and is to be returned to school the following Wednesday for marking.


Please note that nail varnish, false nails and fake tattoos are not permitted in school. If earrings are to be worn, they must be studs and have to be removed for PE and swimming. Jewellery is not permitted apart from a watch, which again must be removed for PE and swimming and long hair should be tied back.


Class Dojo

This is used as the main source of communication for any updates.  


Class Twitter Page

If you would like to follow our class Twitter page, it can be found at: @StGregorysYear5